In addition to facilitating a rich and solid education in the Japanese language, the Department of Japanese Language and Culture also offer professional courses in two major areas:language (language, and communication) and culture (cultural representation and social and cultural analysis). In the first two years of study, the students will take a series of intensive Japanese language courses, covering the foundational skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation. Introductory courses on multiculturalism, cultural representation, language and communication, and so ciocultural analysis are also an essential part of the first two years.In the third and fourth years, course curriculum can be customized according to personal interest and career focus. In the fourth year, students are required to conduct research and to write at hesis within their chosen field. The completion of this thesis project is required before graduation. Additionally,to provide students with a more integrated and interactive language education, the department also offers a wide variety of international exchange programs
Two Principal Professional Focuses:
The Two Principal Focuses Are:
1.Language focus: Besides an emphasis on language proficiency, attention is also placed on understanding potential problems incommunication and language that may occur during cross cultural communication and exchange, as well as ways to resolve them.
2.Cultural focus: This involves exploration of the people, events,and things related to the relationship between Taiwan and Japan and how each of these are represented and recorded within each culture. In addition, the department also explores current events, as well as the history and background behind the relationship between Japan and Taiwan.
Program Features:
1.Language Learning: Providing Tools for Communication and Cultural Exchange
The Department of Japanese Language and Culture aims to provide our students with the essentials tools to succeed in Taiwanese-Japanese cross-cultural exchange. Language is an integral part of cross-cultural communication and exchange, thus, a lot of emphasis is placed on language education. In the first two years, students must establish a solid foundation in the Japanese language. In the third and fourth years, students can apply their basic language abilities in a variety of interdisciplinary courses. These courses provide students with an integrated learning environment, where students can achieve fluency in the Japanese language through an active learning process. The ability to fluently listen, speak, read, write, and translate the Japanese language is viewed as an important milestone throughout the four year program.
2.Systematic and Diverse Course Plans: Two Principal Focuses: Language and Culture
We aim to nurture and prepare students for Taiwanese-Japanese multi-cultural exchange. Students can select from a wide range of language (language and communication) and cultural (culture and representation, society and culture) electives. Students are also encouraged to work with their advisers in designing and mapping out their own individualized education plan.
3.Interactive, Discussion-based, and Analytical Curriculum: To foster abilities to self-discipline, to think critically and independently, to recognize problems and provide solutions
To achieve the objectives described above, as well as achieving language proficiency, students will begin taking introductory interdisciplinary classes already in their first year of study. These classes promote critical awareness and discussion.
4.Self-paced and Self-Instructional Learning System: Establishment of lifelong learning concepts and habits
The Japanese Department established a self-study area for Japanese language learners. Starting with basic Japanese courses in freshman year, the courses will introduce the basic concepts of self-study and foster self-paced learning habits. In addition to constantly adding new contents to the self-learning database, the school, through the Internet also strives to provide all Japanese learners, both in and out of the university, with a learning platform for self-study.
5.Faculty and Staff:
I. High number of faculty, both Taiwanese and Japanese
Combining each faculty member’s area of study and language ability to provide a richer and fuller curriculum.
II. High number of Faculty from Japan
More than half of the full time faculty members are Japanese nationals. The department faculty members are a dedicated and passionate group of professors, hosting a variety of events, such as study groups, interviews, and even field research, in different parts of the world with both international and Taiwanese students. The department hopes to foster an active learning environment where both language acquisition and cross-cultural experiences are a natural part of the education process.
III. International Students: Integrated Classroom Experience
In accordance with our education principles, in addition to recruiting international students, the department also works closely with Tunghai University’s Chinese Language School.Japanese Students enrolled in the Chinese Language program at the university are often invited to participate in classes. They are encouraged to interact with, participate in discussions with, and to learn from our students – and vice versa.
IV. High number of Japanese and Taiwanese Teaching Assistants
Every semester, talented Japanese and Taiwanese teaching assistants are recruited to mentor students inside and outside of the classroom, covering topics such as conversation, reading, grammar, translation, listening, and proofreading.
6.Practical Application: Providing International exchange, dialog and community outreach through events and activities
I.The department aims to apply cross-cultural communication and exchange theories, and concepts learned during coursework,to interviews and case studies. The department encourages students to work with Japanese and Taiwanese people from a variety of backgrounds. We hope that through these experiences, we can train and foster students who have the ability to problem-solve, to become self-reliant, and to communicate effectively. Through these practical applications, students improve their observation skills and emotional empathy,,allowing them to better understand and serve society.
II. “Hanabi”, a student-managed magazine founded in 1999.
III. “Transculture”, a collaborative research journal. Publication began in June of 2009. (ISSN 2078-7359)