- 姓名:中村 麻理(MARI NAKAMURA)
- 職稱:助理教授
- 研究領域:日本研究、文化研究、國際關係、政治思想
- 學歷:萊頓大學區域研究所 博士
- E-mail:mari@thu.edu.tw
- 分機:31720
- 大學部
- 「綜合日語(一)C」
- 「綜合日語(二)C」
- 「綜合日語(三)」
- 「専題研究」
- 碩士班
- 「近現代媒體文化」
- 2021-2022 萊頓大學區域研究所 客座研究員
- 2020-2021 萊頓大學人文學院 兼任講師 (Lecturer)
- 2018-2020 萊頓大學人文學院 專任講師 (Lecturer)
- 2016-2018 中央蘭開夏大學人文、語言及全球研究學院 專任講師 (Lecturer)
- 2016 國立台灣大學政治系 客座研究員
- Nakamura, Mari. 2021. ‘Anime as Political Theory’. Invited lecture to the Stockholm Seminar of Japan, Swedish Defence University, online, October 26, 2021
- Nakamura, Mari. 2019. ‘Where Security is Achieved: Emancipation and Domination in Psycho-Pass’. Presentation to the International Conference in Ideology and Discourse Analysis, University of Essex, May 31- June 1, 2019.
- Ling, L.H.M. and Nakamura, Mari. 2017. ‘Politics and Popular Culture: Re-narrating the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Dispute’. Invited presentation to the Power of Narratives in East Asian International Relations Conference, Swedish Defence University and Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, December 7-8, 2017.
- Nakamura, Mari. 2017. ‘Where Security is Achieved: Emancipation and Domination in Psycho-Pass’. Presentation to the Popular Culture and World Politics v.10 Beyond Boundaries Conference, Newcastle University, November 23-25, 2017.
- Nakamura, Mari. 2015. ‘Dialectic of Utopia: Visualising Future Politics in the Anime Psycho-Pass’. Invited presentation to the Safety and Disaster in Japanese Popular Culture after Fukushima Workshop, Leiden University, June 5, 2015.
- Nakamura, Mari. 2014. ‘Dialectic of Utopia: Visualising Future Politics in the Anime Psycho-Pass’. Presentation to the Asiascape: Digital Asia International Conference, Leiden University, January 24-25, 2014.
- Nakamura, Mari. 2012. ‘Politics Animated: Transhumanity and Hybridity in Appleseed’. Presentation to the 3rd Mechademia Conference, Dongguk University, Seoul, November 29- December 2, 2012.
- Li, Carl, Nakamura, Mari and Ruth, Martin. 2011. ‘Japanese Science Fiction in Converging Media: Alienation and Neon Genesis Evangelion’. Presentation to the Digital East Asia Conference, Leiden University, December 9-10, 2011.
- Kuo, Sai-hua and Nakamura, Mari. 2004. ‘Translation or Transformation? A Case Study of Language and Ideology in the Taiwanese Press’. Presentation to the Sociolinguistic Symposium 15, Newcastle University, UK, April 1-4, 2004.
- ‘Along the Sea’. Invited talk to the 16th Camera Japan Festival, Rotterdam, September 22-26, 2021.
- ‘Science in Anime, Anime in Science’. Invited lecture to the 10th Nijnmegen Art Night (Nijnmeege Kunstnacht), Nijnmegen, September 18, 2021.
- ‘i – Documentary of the Journalist’. Invited talk to the 15th Camera Japan Festival, Rotterdam, September 22-26, 2020.
- ‘Every Day a Good Day’. Invited talk to the 14th Camera Japan Festival, Rotterdam, September 26-29, 2019.
- ‘Sweet Bean’. Invited talk to the 12th Preston International Film Festival, University of Central Lancashire, October 15-21, 2018.
- ‘Everyday Life, History and In This Corner of The World’. Invited talk to the Asia Pacific Film Festival, University of Central Lancashire, April 23-27, 2018.
- ‘Himizu’. Invited talk to the 11th Preston International Film Festival, University of Central Lancashire, October 16-23, 2017.
- Nakamura, Mari. 2017. ‘Emancipation in Postmodernity: Political Thought in Japanese Science Fiction Animation’. PhD thesis, Leiden University.
- Nakamura, Mari. 2003. ‘Ideology in the News: A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reporting in Taiwan’s Two Newspapers’. MA thesis, National Tsing Hua University.
<学術論文 >
- Ling, L.H.M. and Nakamura, Mari. 2019. ‘Politics and Popular Culture: Re-narrating the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Dispute’. Cambridge Review of International Affairs 32(4):541-558.
- Nordin, Astrid H. M, Smith, Graham M, Bunskoek, Raoul, Huang, Chiung-chiu, Hwang, Yih-jye, Jackson, Patrick Thaddeus, Kavalski, Emilian; Ling, L. H. M; Martindale, Leigh; Nakamura, Mari; Nexon, Daniel; Premack, Laura; Qin, Yaqing; Shih, Chih-yu; Tyfield, David; Williams, Emma; Zalewski, Marysia. 2019. ‘Towards Global Relational Theorizing: A Dialogue between Sinophone and Anglophone Scholarship on Relationalism’. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 32(5), 570-581.
- Li, Carl, Nakamura, Mari and Ruth, Martin. 2013. ‘Japanese Science Fiction in Converging Media: Alienation and Neon Genesis Evangelion.’. Asiascape Occasional Paper Series Issue 6:1-16 [online publication].
- Kuo, Sai-hua and Nakamura, Mari. 2005. ‘Translation or Transformation? A Case Study of Language and Ideology in the Taiwanese Press’. Discourse & Society 16(3): 393-417.
- Nakamura, Mari. 2020. ‘Book review of Greenberg, Raz (2018) Hayao Miyazaki: Exploring the Early Work of Japan’s Greatest Animator’. IIAS The Newsletter 87:25.
- Nakamura, Mari. 2018. ‘Book review: Chinese Animation, Creative Industries, and Digital Culture’. China Information 32(3):487-488.
- Nakamura, Mari. 2016. ‘Book review: Animation in China: History, Aesthetics, Media’. China Information 30(3): 377-378.